Santa’s reindeers have an easier time in the summer and build up their strength for the hard work later the year. This workshop will result in a series of temporary reindeer sculptures in the centre of Rovaniemi. Reindeers are very closely connected to Santa Claus, and are well known as part of the image of Rovaniemi as Santa's hometown. In addition, reindeers were also the inspiration for Alvar Aalto in his design for the city plan of Rovaniemi.
Alvar Aalto is one of the most famous Finnish architects. He designed the reconstruction plan of Rovaniemi in 1944-1945. The reconstruction plan of Rovaniemi is a bit like a puzzle, concealing a picture of a reindeer’s: two branches of the central park are outlined as reindeer horns, two are defining reindeer’s head and one its back. That is why it is called "Reindeer Antler Plan". See picture.
There is a series of public sculptures representing reindeers in Rovaniemi, this series is called "Pororaito" (line of reindeers). In 2008 four new sculptures were made and that project’s aim was to increase the attractiveness of Rovaniemi as cultural city and enliven the city's landscape through art. The project was implemented in Lapland in cooperation with the Artists' Association of Lapland. The sculptures were made by Tom Engblom, Risto Immonen, Teuvo Tuomivaara and Sauli Miettunen. See Pororaito (in Finnish).
• Idea for workhosp: Willow reindeers.
• Participants: 20 students in International summer schools
• Teachers: Maria Huhmarniemi, Glen Coutts
• Assistants: Anna-Mari Nukarinen as a photographer
You may want to apply only to the workshop arranged in Rovaniemi or perhaps you're also interested about Arctic Circles' Field Case locations? Does your Summer get a busy start and you don't have a chance to join us? Still feel curious about Arctic Circles' exploration to user centered art and design - maybe you'd like to have one day in the Arctic Circles and participate in the Engage! Seminar? Check out more information of the Arctic Circles Summer School and find the link to the registeration form here.
• Participants: 20 students in International summer schools
• Teachers: Maria Huhmarniemi, Glen Coutts
• Assistants: Anna-Mari Nukarinen as a photographer
Pajupororaitopaja Rovaniemellä kävelykadulla 29.-31.5.2012
Pajassa rakennetaan tuoreesta ja notkeasta pajusta poroaiheisia veistoksia, jotka jatkavat Rovaniemen kaupungin Pororaito-hanketta.
- Ajankohta 29.-31.5.2012, klo 9-17 välisinä aikoina
- Taidepajan vetäjänä professori Glen Coutts ja lehtori Maria Huhmarniemi
- Osallistujina maisteritason taiteen ja muotoilun opiskelijoita ja ammattilaisia eri maista, n. 20 hlö:n ryhmä
- Pajaan liittyy avoin työpajapäivä, jolloin kaupunkilaiset voivat osallistua pajuporojen rakentamiseen
- Materiaaleina tuore paju
Lisätietoa Arctic Circles - kesäkoulusta ja ilmoittautumislomake täällä. Huomioithan, että voit ilmoittautua kesäkouluun kokonaisuudessaan mutta myös vaikkapa ainoastaan Rovaniemen työpajaan, pohjoisen kenttäkohdejaksolle tai Engage! - seminaaripäivään. Valitse sinulle sopivin vaihtoehto.
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