Riversounds - the Applied Art challenge in Ii 4.-6.6.2012. Art Field Case students will take part in a series of workshops led by experts and students from the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland. Ii hosts the annual Art Biennale of Northern Environment and Sculpture Art, in 6.6.2012. The Art Field Case participants will plan and create artistic and/or interactive environmental performance that will lead the quests to the new environmental art park in Ii.
The idea of the workshop is to produce artworks that will be included at the opening of this important international environmental art event. The work starts in the Circle of Art during the Arctic Circles' Rovaniemi week when the participants get acquainted with the theme, plan the artworks, make prototypes and test materials for the final artworks at Ii. Art Field Case participants will make art works with groups of local people in Ii by using community art and environmental methods.
The workshop will play on the theme of The Kemi River which can be approached from many different perspectives; What are RiverSounds? How and why do they occur? What kinds of associations are connected to river and its sounds, historically and today? Locally and globally? How can this be expressed through environmental art and design? RiverSounds is hoping to bring the visions of the participants alive through art!
The country’s longest river, the Kemi River, rises near the Russian border and flows generally southwest for about 300 miles (483 km) to the Gulf of Bothnia at Kemi town. In this workshop participants will design soundscapes in form of natural instruments that the river can play. What seems to express the Sounds of River is depending on the ideas and visions of the participants and their imagination. The Field case creates a meeting place between the local and the global communities through artistic expression.
- Participants: International students of the Arctic Circles Summer School and local people in Ii
- Teachers: Professor Glen Coutts and Senior lecturer Maria Huhmarniemi
- Assistants: Sofia Waara, Katri Konttinen and Heidi Huovinen
Ii Biennale of Northern Environmental and Sculpture Art: http://www.artii.fi/index.htm
Arctic Circles kesäkoulun taiteen kenttäkohde "Riversounds Ii" järjestetään Iissä, jossa kansainvälisen kesäkoulun osanottajat ja paikalliset tekijät suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat taideteoksen Ii Biennaalin avajaisiin. Ii Biennaali tuottaa ekologisesti kestäviä pohjoisen ympäristö- ja veistotaiteen teoksia Iin kulttuuriperintöalueille. Kesäkoulun Riversounds Ii -työpajassa leikitellään yhteisö- ja ympäristötaiteen menetelmin teemalla "Joenääniä". Mitä joenäänet ovat? Miten ja miksi ne esiintyvät? Mitä mielleyhtymiä jokeen ja sen ääniin liittyy? Historiallisesti ja meidän ajassamme? Paikallisesti ja globaalisti? Miten joenääniä voi ilmaista ympäristötaiteen ja muotoilun keinoin? Riversounds Ii tuo osallistujien mielikuvat eläviksi ja näkyviksi taiteen kautta, kun työpajassa suunnittellaan ja toteutetaan äänimaisemia luonnon instrumentein.
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