Rovaniemi City Hall // Rovaniemen kaupungintalo, valtuustosali
The Engage! Seminar opens the Arctic Circles Art & Design Summer School with inspirational presentations about service design, sustainability and applied arts, especially in the Arctic areas.
Get excited about Prof. Peter Stebbings view of aesthetic grammar and PhD Svetlana Usenyuks new approach to design, where the shift is made from localization to local appropriation. Experience how Service Design takes customers to the focus and Applied art engages with people and places. See the Program below for more information.
Free entrance! If you are not a participant of the Arctic Circles please register by sending mail to by 25.5.
Tervetuloa Engage! seminaariin, joka avaa ensimmäisen kansainvälisen Arctic Design Art & Design kesäkoulun. Seminaarissa tarkastellaan käyttäjälähtöisyyttä ja osallistavuutta palvelumuotoilun, kestävän kehityksen ja taiteen näkökulmista. Tutustu allaolevaan ohjelmaan! Jos et osallistu Arctic Design kesäkouluun, ilmoittaudu seminaariin 25.5. mennessä osoitteeseen Seminaari on maksuton.
Programme of the Engage! seminar
8.30-9.30 Registrations to Summer School
9.30 Opening words
9.45 Peter Stebbing, Professor, Basic Design:
From Aesthetics and Sustainability to Schesiology
This talk will present a brief view of an aesthetic grammar which Peter proposes has its roots in our organic existence. One product of Peter's in-vestigations and researches which he began in 1984 is the idea of schesiology the study of relations and their consequences which is a simple tool to begin showing us how the world is deeply interconnected.
10.30 Simo Rontti, Lecturer, Service Design,
University of Lapland
11.15 Rovaniemi Experience
12.00 Lunch (at own expense)
13.00 Svetlana Usenyuk, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Design, Aalto University School of Art:
Design and Architecture, Arctic Design
From Localiza-tion to Local Appropriation. A new approach to design for the extreme envi-ronment: to emphasize the shift from localization to local appropriation.
13.45 Rovaniemi Experience
14.00 Coffee
14.30 Glen Coutts, Professor, SIG Leader in ASAD:
Applied Art: In and Out of the City
This lecture will explore the relationship between design, art and urban or rural spaces. Described as “applied art” many artists around the world use this ap-proach to engage with people and places. The lecture will be illustrated by ex-amples of artwork that occupies a position somewhere between art and design practice.
15.15 Michael Hardt, Professor of Visual Communication:
Arctic Sustainable Design & Summary
16.00 Seminar ends
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18-20.00 Welcome party at Pilke Science Center
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